🤖 IntentKit
Skills Setup: Creation and Customization
🤖 IntentKit
Skills Setup: Creation and Customization
Create and manage custom skills for IntentKit agents
Understanding Skills
Skills are the building blocks of agent capabilities, implemented as Python modules that extend agent functionality through LangChain tools.
Basic Structure
from langchain_core.tools import BaseTool
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class WeatherInput(BaseModel):
"""Input schema for weather skill."""
location: str = Field(..., description="City name")
unit: str = Field("celsius", description="Temperature unit")
class WeatherSkill(BaseTool):
name = "get_weather"
description = "Get current weather for a location"
args_schema = WeatherInput
def _run(self, location: str, unit: str = "celsius") -> str:
"""Get weather data."""
return f"Weather in {location}: 20°{unit[0].upper()}"
Skill Registration
Register your skill in skill/__init__.py
from .weather import WeatherSkill
def get_crestal_skill(name: str) -> BaseTool:
skills = {
"weather": WeatherSkill()
return skills.get(name)
Common Skill Sets
"cdp": {
"monitor_prices": {
"pairs": ["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"],
"interval": 300
"social": {
"twitter": {
"auto_reply": true,
"sentiment_analysis": true
Price Monitoring Skill
class PriceMonitorInput(BaseModel):
pair: str = Field(..., description="Trading pair (e.g., BTC-USD)")
threshold: float = Field(5.0, description="Alert threshold percentage")
class PriceMonitorSkill(BaseTool):
name = "monitor_prices"
description = "Monitor crypto price movements"
args_schema = PriceMonitorInput
def _run(self, pair: str, threshold: float = 5.0) -> str:
# Implementation
return f"Monitoring {pair} for {threshold}% changes"
async def _arun(self, pair: str, threshold: float = 5.0) -> str:
# Async implementation
Twitter Integration Skill
class TwitterSkill(BaseTool):
name = "twitter_post"
description = "Post updates to Twitter"
def _run(self, text: str) -> str:
# Post to Twitter
return f"Posted: {text}"
def validate_length(self, text: str) -> bool:
return len(text) <= 280
Best Practices
- Input Validation
class TransactionInput(BaseModel):
amount: float = Field(..., gt=0, description="Transaction amount")
pair: str = Field(..., pattern="^[A-Z]+-[A-Z]+$")
- Error Handling
response = await self.api_call()
except RateLimitError:
return "Rate limit exceeded. Try again in 60 seconds."
except ApiError as e:
return f"API Error: {str(e)}"
- Async Support
async def _arun(self, **kwargs):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
result = await self.process(session, **kwargs)
return result
- Testing
def test_skill():
skill = CustomSkill()
result = skill.run(input="test")
assert result.status == "success"
Example: Complete Trading Skill Set
# skill_sets/trading.py
from typing import List
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from langchain_core.tools import BaseTool
class Order(BaseModel):
pair: str
side: str
amount: float
type: str = "market"
class TradingSkill(BaseTool):
name = "execute_trade"
description = "Execute crypto trades"
def __init__(self, api_key: str, pairs: List[str]):
self.api_key = api_key
self.allowed_pairs = pairs
def _run(self, order: Order) -> str:
if order.pair not in self.allowed_pairs:
return f"Unsupported pair: {order.pair}"
# Execute trade
return f"Executed {order.side} {order.amount} {order.pair}"
Enable in agent configuration:
"skill_sets": {
"trading": {
"pairs": ["BTC-USD", "ETH-USD"],
"api_key": "your-api-key"